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Product Owners

Product Owners care. This is why over 50% of GoRetro facilitators are Product Owners. Outcome-driven work (as opposed to output) is essential in Scrum, and therefore the team needs to focus on how to reach their Sprint goals and achieve a good outcome. GoRetro lets you do just that: focus on delivering value while making sure that you have all the tools you need to get there.

Continuous improvement

Use your real-time Sprint data to run better retros and improve your team’s performance. Get clarity on what's happening, identify gaps in planning and see what processes get stuck and why. Our deep Jira integration helps your team focus on what matters most. Using data to improve the retrospective meeting’s effectiveness was shown to improve participation by an average of 80%.

GoRetro -  Frictionless retrospective board
GoRetro -  Gives the facilitator superpowers - retrospective board

Inspiring meeting accountability

Track Action Items with ease and increase your team's productivity. See action items history across Sprints, what’s been completed and what’s left to be done. Foster accountability by ending every meeting knowing who is doing what by when. Assign, organize, prioritize and track all your meeting action items in one place.

Fun fun and FUN!

Retrospectives don't have to be boring! GoRetro makes every meeting a fun and engaging experience. With icebreakers, memes, diverse templates, emojis and even mood trackers, your retrospectives will be anything but boring.

GoRetro -  Gives the facilitator superpowers - retrospective board